
Do you want your dog to be the one that:

  • doesn’t jump on people
  • doesn’t act aggressively
  • doesn’t bark out the window
  • doesn’t have accidents in the house
  • doesn’t destroy your home or belongings
  • doesn’t bark while you are on the phone or a Zoom call
  • doesn’t mouth or chew hands, pant-legs, shoelaces or other inappropriate things
  • you aren’t embarrassed to take out in public or have visitors around
  • doesn’t bounce off the walls (literally or figuratively)
  • doesn’t run out the door every time it opens
  • doesn’t have anxiety, fears or phobias
  • doesn’t steal things from counters
  • doesn’t guard resources
  • doesn’t pull on leash
  • doesn’t dig
  • does behave well for the vet, groomer or anyone else
  • does get along with other dogs
  • does greet people nicely
  • does come when called
  • is trustworthy off-leash
  • “listens” to you all the time
  • and more…



We approach things differently at How 2 Speak Dog. 

  • We help families whose dog won’t listen, to have a dog they can be proud of at home and away, without embarrassment, fear, frustration or worry.
  • We develop clear communication skills  on both sides
  • We ensure everyone’s needs are being met (human and dog)
  • We set up a path to success that is personal to you, your dog and your lifestyle.
  • We include everything you need and nothing you don’t.
  • We only use positive, relationship building, and communication enhancing techniques.
  • We never use, fear, force, intimidation, shock or prong tools.

Because We Are All

Every home and family has a different set of expectations, routines, personalities, hopes and dreams for their household and how their dog fits into that household.

Figuring out these things, for your household/family, is the first step to having a well-behaved pooch who is a delight to have and be around. Once these things are determined, only then can you show your dog what he/she/they need to know to thrive in your home.


We will show you what you need to know and teach you how to implement it, to have the most effective, quickest and longest-lasting impact on and transformation of your dog’s behavior.

The main difference between our programs is in how much direct access to us and help from us, you prefer. The more access you utilize, the quicker, better and more effective results you will see.

WHY learn How 2 Speak Dog?

Because dogs are a different species from us. Duh! Right? The fact is that dogs have a language all their own that they constantly use to communicate with each other AND attempt to communicate with their humans. This language is heavier in body language (both displaying and recognizing), but includes different vocalizations too. It is not a hard language to learn, but there are many nuances. 


For example, non-reactivity or not over-reacting, (not barking, growling, lunging) is NOT the same as confident, calm and relaxed. 


A dog can display behaviors that indicate severe stress without ever making a sound. As the higher developed species in the relationship, it is our job to recognize what our dogs are trying to say (to us and to each other) and manage the situation to meet their needs.