
Who is in charge here?

Written by h2speakdog

January 4, 2023

Do you know what empowers your dog or motivates them to do anything for you, including listen?

Most people think they do, but they really don’t. 

There are myths and incorrect beliefs about:

  • who should be in charge/ be the leader/ alpha
  • that dogs want to be in charge
  • that dogs should do what we ask because
    • we ask
    • we provide for them
    • we love them
    • we said so
  • that dogs are stubborn
  • that dogs are spiteful

The reality is that dogs do what works. What works to get THEIR needs met, Genetic, Physical/Biological, Emotional, Social and Cognitive.

They are trying to do this in a world that they really don’t understand and is not well adapted to their species. Additionally, when we want them to live with us, we have expectations of them that they have no clue about. For example, a dog usually will not eliminate near where it sleeps, that behavior was borne as a survival mechanism. Mother’s clean-up their dog’s eliminations until they are old enough to start leaving their den/sleeping area. Then she teaches them to eliminate away from the den. They also eliminate in protected areas, because while eliminating they are more vulnerable to attack. This is all to keep predators away from the den and keep them all safe.

Now let’s translate that to living in a home with us. We expect them to only eliminate outside, let’s say. However, we have a house that is huge to them (much larger than a den would be) and we/they sleep in only one part of it. So it is logical that if no one has properly taught them how to go outside, then far enough away from their sleeping area, i.e. another room of our house, is safe enough for them. They will most likely hide to eliminate and when no one is looking because that is safer than being watched. Next, we discover their hidden elimination and bring them back and show them and scold them. All they know is that we are upset with them, but they have no clue why. Or we catch them in the act and scold them and scare them to death so that they become even more careful about eliminating when anyone is watching or could catch them.

How in the world can we expect them to conform to our ideas and expectations without getting something in return? We certainly do not work for nothing. So it stands to reason that if we make our expectations, clear and worthwhile to our dogs they will most likely comply eagerly. Conversely, if we are not clear in teaching our expectations and the reward we offer is not worthy of their compliance, then they are likely NOT to comply. Therefore, if they are NOT eagerly complying, it is our fault, not theirs.

Why? Because we technically hold the power in the relationship just by the fact that we have the information available to us to navigate this world successfully. We just have to go and get it. Our dogs do not have that luxury. They are completely dependent on US to give them information, power, and choices in living with us in our homes. We decide when they can go out, when they can move about the house, when and where in the house they are allowed, and on and on. Yes, many of us give our dogs complete freedom in our homes, however that often creates problems when they are not ready for that freedom, much like giving a child the freedom to make all the choices in their life from the start.

So it is up to us to use our power in the relationship humanely, clearly and kindly. We can do this by giving our dogs some motivation to do what we want, choices that are reasonable for everyone and clearly understandable ways that they can get paid/rewarded with whatever motivates them.

Do you know your dog’s number one motivator?

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