Problem Behaviors

Problem Behaviors

What causes problem behaviors? In another post, we discussed nuisance behaviors and as I said then, it is not that nuisance behaviors are not a problem, it is more a distinction of how complex the behavior is to modify or improve. In this post, I am going to talk...
Stress, Anxiety, & Fear

Stress, Anxiety, & Fear

Stress, Anxiety & Fear: our dogs feel it too These three emotions have very similar feelings and signs. They often occur together or in conjunction with one another. Recognizing the signs of these emotions in ourselves and our dogs, as early as possible, will go a...
Nuisance Behavior

Nuisance Behavior

Is your dog’s behavior a nuisance to you or anyone else? There are two common groups that canine behaviors are divided into, Nuisance Behaviors & Problem Behaviors. Nuisance behaviors in general seem to be easier to fix, less serious than Problem Behaviors, and...